Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many people can you take?

    • The R44 can hold up to three passengers or approximately 500 pounds. There is a 300 pound per seat limit. A car seat is available if you'd like to share the experience with your little one.

  • Can I book a tour as a single rider?

    • Yes! You just will cover the cost of two seats.

  • Can we take pictures?

    • Of course! It's a must!

  • Can I use my phone?

    • Phones can be used in flight.

  • What should I wear?

    • Dress like you would for a car trip. The helicopter does have a heater, and a ventilation system. The temperature can be adjusted. For an even more memorable experience, the doors can be removed for an unforgettable open air flight (if the weather allows and is desired).

  • What if I get motion sickness?

    • All aircraft are subject to turbulence, but helicopters don't seem to experience as severe up and down drops like one encounters in a small airplane. However, if you think it will be an issue, there are over the counter medicines you can take prior to departure. Also, sick sacks are placed inside the helicopter for emergencies. Of course all flights are weather dependent, and a windy turbulent day may require a postponement.

  • But I'm scared of heights!

    • Several passengers who have expressed the same sentiment, and decided to overcome that fear, were pleased that they were not bothered by the height. In fact, they were very comfortable once airborne. We think you'll find it very different than being on a ladder or atop a building.

  • Is it loud in the helicopter?

    • Bose noise canceling headsets will be provided, and will allow for normal conversations inside the aircraft.